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Fault line in a sentence

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Sentence count:32+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-11-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: faultlessfaultlesslyfaultfaultydefaultat faultin faultto a faultMeaning: n. (geology) line determined by the intersection of a geological fault and the earth's surface. 
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1. These issues have created a stark fault line within the Peace Process.
2. Surveyors say the fault line is capable of generating a major earthquake once in a hundred years.
3. That was where the fault line lay.
4. That fault line runs through the New Labour coalition.
5. The central fault line in modern post-industrial society is that between the winners and the losers in the global marketplace.
6. And any associated fault line will likewise react.
7. But the fault line runs deeper even than religion.
8. To select the fault line and locate the fault point quickly is of great importance for isolating the fault line, as well as improving the operation reliability and reducing the economic loss.
9. The fault line in my chest rippled; the pain of it took my breath away.
10. The protection for earth fault line selection and fault point location by S injecting current in neutral isolated power system is presented.
11. Detecting the fault line correctly is important to clear the fault and improve power supply reliability when single phase fault occurs in neutral indirectly grounded system.
12. Tension gun is to use fault line line rack on cable machinery equipment in wire.
13. Haiti is on a fault line which has historically sustained large quakes and can expect more.
14. This constructed fault line forms an intimate civic space that connects the different programs.
15. Simultaneously, on the base of fault line selection, wavelet packet is used to analyze the transient signal, and to find that is connection with transient fault signal and fault distance.
16. This paper proposes a new method for the fault line and fault area detection in radial neutral-point resonant grounded system.
17. Thus provides a new method to fault line selection for single - phase grounded fault.
18. A major fault line, the Xianshuihe fault,[] runs through the area.
19. The dam was built 500 meters from earthquake's fault line.
20. The elements transferred can return to the fault line set through constructing an elementary transfer function and the right fault line detection results were achieved.
21. When single-phase-to-ground fault occurs in the indirectly power system, with the compensation current of the arc-suppressing coil , it is difficult to select the fault line.
22. A new method of switching on parallel medium resistance to select the fault line instantaneously when the single-phase earth fault occurs in the arc suppression coil grounded system is proposed.
23. With the using of scalar product, the criteria has good property of bearing error and can get higher precision of fault line selection.
24. S. should even address those long-term questions, like irrigation system, paved roads, electricity, cold-storage facilities is the quiet fault line in the current Afghanistan-policy debate.
25. The simulation experiments show that the method is reasonable and effective which uses wavelet transform to realize the fault line selection and fault location in small current grounded system.
26. As a layperson, it would be my guess that each time there is a shift, there is a recalibration in the pressure along the fault line.
27. Due to the small fault current, unobvious fault features, the complex fault circumstances and the various system run mode, the problem of fault line detection hasn't been well settled.
28. The isoplethes of vertical deformation rate or their tangents are almost perpendicular to fault line.
29. Then on November 7, 2010, just a day later and just to the south, still along the N Andes fault line, we have more landslides, and suddenly so, in the Ecuador town of Chimborazo.
30. The enhanced signal can be decomposed by wavelet packet transform to realize fault line detection.
More similar words: faultlessfaultlesslyfaultfaultydefaultat faultin faultto a faultfaultilyfaultingfind faultdefaulternormal faultthrust faultreverse faultfaultfindingfind fault withstrike-slip faultoutlinehotlinehot lineoutlinedjetlinerfront linecoastlinewaistlinecredit linemaginot lineticket linepicket line
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